Need to pick up a few things for the house? Click here for a Walgreen's coupon that gives you $5 off a $20 purchase. But it's only good on Friday, May 23. Check your weekly flyer and see if there's anything your family needs. And pay attention to items that say "Register Rewards" in the ad. When you buy those items, you'll get a coupon back for $ off your next purchase. You might also check your coupon stash (if you have one) and the Walgreen's EasySaver catalog (found in the store by the rack of weekly flyers). It has coupons on select items and info on rebates. You can use a Walgreen's coupon and a manufacturer's coupon on the same item as long as you meet brand/size/limit requirements. Even better, you can sometimes get a rebate back that makes the item free or close to it.
Once you have all the stuff you are going to buy, make sure the price without coupons is at least $20. Then hand the cashier the $5 coupon and then the rest of your coupons.
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