I went to
Lowe's on Wednesday and picked up about $17 worth of stuff so I could cover this gaping hole in John's bathroom wall.

When we first moved into this house, there was a large horizontal mirror across this wall that was, uh, not in keeping with our taste. When we took it down, there was this hole. So we looked for a medicine cabinet. The only one we could find fit the width, but was too short to reach the bottom. Because we were not handy, we came up with a
hideous solution. Now we are crazy handy and cannot bear the thought of giant holes in our walls badly filled with ill-fitting medicine cabinets. We've evolved.

So I bought a 2x4 and had Lowe's cut it to these lengths. Then I nailed them to the studs they are next to. If I were even more handy, I would have paid a little more attention to making sure the new studs were not quite so far back in the cavity.

Because the gypsum board is set back just a little more than I wish. Yes, I bought gypsum board. You can buy 2' square sections of it, which is great for projects like this. I used a metal t-square (from my art school days) and a utility knife to cut it. Very easy. I nailed the gypsum board to my new studs.

I also picked up some self-adhesive joint tape and joint compound (I'm so glad I found the smaller tubs of it in the spackle section. I did not want to buy the giant boxes of it).

My first coat looks sort of rough, but I think I need to build up two or three layers. This morning I sanded the first layer and added the second. It's looking good. And has only cost about $17 in supplies.

On Tuesday, I picked up a 5 lb. box of Fiberfill at Hobby Lobby. With my
25% off coupon, it was a little less than $17. I used it to restuff the back cushions on my two sofas. I left the old stuff in and just added more where it had gotten compressed. I forgot to take a "before" photo, but trust me, these look sooooooo much better.

The sofas are in my den, a room that I am struggling with. It's a great room, but one without a clear focal point or style. John and I talked a bit the other night about what we like and what we don't like and I think I am leaning toward a more traditional room, but with cleaner lines. I did decide to go ahead and pick up a couple of lights for the mantle, so I browsed through the giant selection at
Garden Ridge. $20 each. And I love them.
Civil - check.
Nice - check.
Helpful - eh... I do want to say that YOU have been most helpful for me. My husband starts projects all the time. Then something (like work) stops them from being completed. So our house looks 'almost' great. I seem to be the only one who really cares about the unfinished-ness of it all, so I guess I will be the one to finish it. And now, after looking at your blog, I have the incentive. Thank You! Keep showing us those before and after pictures so that we'll keep on being inspired. I'm heading to Lowe's! (BTW, do you ever take advantage of the classes they offer at Lowe's?)
wow you are zooming! lovin' the posts. i need to "restuff" our sofa cushions as well. need to paint our downstairs bath but don't like to wall paint and like it even less when i can't open the windows to "air" out the house. maybe we'll get a nice day in february (SF bay area so it's possible)
keep on keepin' on!!
I love watching your progress!!! It gives me the motivation too!!
As soon as our kitchen is done, I can't wait to move onto the next room!!
I just wish I loved to paint!!!
This is a very good post. I am so glad that you shared it with your readers.
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